

Whether your need for French translation is for a single page or a long user manual, our translators are ready when you call. We will respond quickly to your request for a quote, respect the agreed deadline, and produce the high-quality work you demand.

Supported by a highly-skilled team of French translators, Segment can handle nearly any type of document. Whether you need translation services for commercial documents and business communication, bilingual website translation services or assistance with adapting advertising and marketing materials, we can provide the quick, accurate service that your growing business needs.

Customer Service Training

Does your company offer or plan to offer consumer support and customer service to its French-speaking clientele? Be aware that simply hiring French speaking representatives is not sufficient for the provision of support worthy of your company.

Segment trains corporations’ front-line staff in such matters as cultural sensitivity, French-English distinctions in level of courtesy, proper familiarity ranges, common language mistakes and so on.

This training can be offered as part of the orientation of your new staff, as an ongoing skill-development training or as a one-time refresher workshop.

On-site French language Training (B.C. only)

If your staff requires French training to prepare them for a project, to help them acquire or maintain their French language skills, or to prepare them for government testing, Segment Translation + Language Integration offers a dynamic French training program to suit all needs.

French language training can be offered on an as-needed, short-term or long-term basis. Some corporations have even used our fun and dynamic French courses as a training bonus for their staff! We can offer our French classes after business hours but our most popular format is our “brown bag” lunch-time on-site classes!

Marketing for the French-speaking public

Before foraying into the French-speaking market, you need to know about the audience that you wish to woo: you must be aware of French sensitivities, know what makes the French public “tick”, and understand the corporate and financial implications of “going French”.

Segment offers one- and two-day dynamic workshops for decision-makers and managers on what can be expected of an expansion in the French-speaking market (in Canada or abroad).

Segment’s business development specialists also offer as-needed consultancy services on this topic to corporations and SMEs.